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2024 Vintage

Climate change, quality retention
A good vintage forecast for Amarone Classico from hillside vineyards.
"Harvest Festival" event on September 14th eagerly awaited at Masi Tenuta Canova

Masi’s first harvest of 2024, a successful one, was in March in the Tupungato region of Argentina, and now just a few days ago Masi Agricola has begun its harvest in company vineyards in the Venetian regions and in Tuscany. The early-ripening grape varieties in Trentino, Veneto and Friuli have already started their harvest, ten days ago.

Masi Technical Group notes on the general trend for the vintage in northern and central Italy in 2024: milder than normal winter for both areas in terms of minimum and maximum temperatures. Wide variations in weather for the spring season in both regions: the first weeks of April had  above-average temperatures, more like summer. The following weeks had almost winter temperatures with late frosts that reduced yields in vineyards located on the valley floors in the northeast.

Similarly, northern and central/Tuscan vineyards had varying weather conditions in the summer. Rainfall was continuous during July in the north. But there was persistent drought in the central south. The rain in the north brought abundant vegetation with wet growth and wet soils threatening cryptogamic attacks. In the end, damage was limited in the Group's main vineyards thanks to preventative measures undertaken in naturally favourable vineyard sites where wet conditions were less prevalent. Above average temperatures have been recorded to date in August, leading to early ripening, both on average and when compared to 2023, with strong variability depending on the age of the vineyards and their positioning.

The growing season has unfortunately demonstrated the presence of ongoing climate change with trends that are irreversible. Weather phenomena are extreme, variations unpredictable, and harvesting has been brought forward. In these circumstances, the worth of historic vineyard sites and of hillside locations makes the difference. Here, pedological situations, the greater day/night temperature range, and the historical marriage of soils with their own preferred grape varieties, as well as traditional training practices, in our case the pergola, succeed in mitigating negative impacts. Recent studies by our Technical Group in collaboration with Prof. Brancadoro’s team from the State University of Milan validate this approach. We expect a good harvest for Appassimento wines and Amarone, which is Masi’s particular point of expertise, and we expect a harvest in Valpolicella Classica that is a good one, even if not abundant. We still have a couple of weeks of worry to go through, hoping that adverse weather will not compromise the harvest at the last minute.

Sandro Boscaini, President of Masi, better known as Mister Amarone


Veneto - Valpolicella: In the Classica area, grapes are ripening steadily and are healthy and uniform in shape. Monitoring indicates superior levels of sugar and phenols. Harvesting is scheduled to begin within the first ten days of September for the lower hillside areas, in the Campofiorin and Serego Alighieri vineyards in Gargagnago and the legendary Vaio Armaron. After that, harvesting moves on to the hillside vineyards, the Costasera vineyards and in the great Amarone cru sites: Mazzano, Campolongo di Torbe and Vaio dei Masi.

Veneto - Lake Garda: Tenuta Canova's vineyards in Lazise were affected by root asphyxia and thermal stress with temperatures above 37 degrees on some days in August. Perfect phenolic ripening of the Corvina, Rondinella and Corvinone grapes involved is expected by September 9.

Veneto - Soave: The grapes are in an excellent state of health, sparsely spaced in the bunches and ready to take on typical Garganega colouring when ripe. Harvesting is strictly by hand, for both Soave Classico Levarie and in the organically managed Colbaraca vineyard. Picking is expected from September 12.

Veneto - Lugana: Quantities are slightly below historical averages, penalized again this year by hailstorms in 2023. Overall, we find healthy, quality grapes thanks to a scrupulous commitment to organic cultivation in the Lunatio and Beldosso vineyards.

Veneto - Valdobbiadene: The vineyards of the Canevel Estate were affected by a light summer hailstorm, whose negative effects were counterbalanced by dry August weather. Consequently, production is down slightly, but  quality is unimpaired. Harvesting will begin in the second week of September for the Setàge sparkling wines and for the Terre del Faé and Campofalco crus.

Trentino - Rovereto: At the Conti Bossi Fedrigotti estate, grapes for the Conte Federico Trento DOC sparkling wine base were harvested in mid-August; quantities were lower as a result of the temperature drop at the end of April. Picking is currently taking place for  the Pinot Grigio used for Pian del Griso and Chardonnay for Vign'Asmara. The red grapes for Fojaneghe and Mas'Est, both the Teroldego and Marzemino, will begin in early September.

Friuli - Castrion di Strada: Harvesting began on August 20 for the Pinot Grigio grapes used for Masianco, to be followed by the other white varieties and the reds starting in early September. Tests on the grapes show good balances and good sugar and phenolic content.

Oltrepò Pavese: In our latest purchase, the Casa Re estate, the Pinot Noir grape harvest began on August 20. Tests showed the grapes picked to be suitable for the production of Moxxè del Re Pinot Noir Metodo Classico Oltrepò Pavese DOCG. Sporadic powdery mildew attacks in the later part of the season penalized potential quantities.

Tuscany: The Poderi del Bello Ovile Serego Alighieri estate in Val D'Orcia has been cultivated organically for years. The drought that has affected central and southern Italy has also partially affected the Vermentino vineyards here, which are already being harvested, as well as the Sangiovese, Canaiolo and Ciliegiolo vineyards, whose harvest is scheduled for early September.


 "Harvest Festival 2024": Masi Tenuta Canova’s eagerly awaited event

Masi is preparing to celebrate the grape harvest again this year with the Masi Wine Experience’s best loved and most eagerly awaited event. With the “Harvest Festival 2024”, Masi Tenuta Canova opens its doors to wine enthusiasts who want to experience the harvest in person in Lazise del Garda, sharing this ancient mystery with agronomists and oenologists from the Masi Technical Group. A visit to the drying loft, the cellars and the Masi Wine Discovery Museum will complete the experience. The highlight of the day is the wine tasting dinner where wine will also star as an ingredient in the food recipes.


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